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Pump Pulling Unit

Farmers have you ever had to sit and wait for a pump service to get to your field and pull out a pump? Meanwhile your crops can't get that much needed water. Then, once they finally can get out there to pull it your bill just for the pulling and setting is several hundreds of  dollars.


Well we've got a solution for you. It's our  Pump Pulling Unit. It'll save you lots of wait time and save lots of  those hard earned dollars.

We currently have a trailer mounted unit or a tractor three point hitch unit.

The trailer mounted unit uses either an electric pull using your pump's panel box. Or you can get it with an 8 h.p. gas engine (american or import available). This Unit when timed lets down a pump 200 ft. deep in 6 minutes including taping the electric wire to the poly pipe.        

The tractor three point hitch atatchment runs off of your tractor hydraulics. This unit is much easier to get in the field if you already have a crop standing and is actually a little faster than the electric unit. 

 Either way it's a great way for you to cut down on costs and mostly likely even get that system up and running sooner. Which in turn means ............

More Profit

We also have come up with another option for this unit. It's an extra hydraulic motor that will thread your stainless steel fitting right on too your poly line for you. No MORE Sweating with that pipe wrench!